Prof. Gianluca Torregrossa: think positive, stay positive, think for your patients

Posted On 2017-08-04 12:12:16

The 97th American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) (AATS Centennial) was successfully held in Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA from April 29th to May 3rd. Celebrating the first 100 years of AATS, the AATS this year covered many hot and new themes on cardiac and thoracic fields as well as gathering numerous experts from all around the world to make high-quality and impressive sharing and discussion, the combination of which presented a grand feast to every participant.

During the conference, Prof. Gianluca Torregrossa, from Mount Sinai Hospital, brought a great speech about the Robotic Hybrid Coronary Bypass Grafting (CABG) with the showing of a case video, which as well indicated his support for the application of Robotic CABG for the benefit of patients. Seizing this opportunity, the Editorial Office of Journal of Visualized Surgery (JOVS) has the great honor to invite Prof. Torregrossa to have an interview with us, sharing with us his experience about the robotic CABG as well as his perspective to the cardiac surgery (Figure 1).